Small Business

- Contact Information:
Program Manager:
Rick Dansey
General T-Rex CIO-SP3 Email:
CIO-SP3 SB URL: - Links:
Conformed Contract
Awarded Contract
Labor Rates
- The Chief Information Officer–Solutions and Partners 3 (CIO-SP3) Small Business Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) is a ten (10) year Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract. This contract is intended to provide information technology (IT) solutions and services as defined in FAR 2.101(b) and further clarified in the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996. These IT solutions and services include, but are not limited to, health and biomedical-related IT services to meet scientific, health, administrative, operational, managerial, and information management requirements. The contract also contains general IT services partly because medical systems are increasingly integrated within a broader IT architecture, requiring a systems approach to their implementation and a sound infrastructure for their operation.
- Scope: CIO-SP3 covers a breadth of solutions for agencies across the federal government to support client missions, in such capability areas as Enterprise systems development and integration, cloud computing, cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection, data engineering and analytics and health information technology. CIO-SP3 SB has the depth and breadth of scope that complex solutions require, with 10 task areas that meet scientific, health, administrative, operational, managerial, and information management requirements. The geographic scope of this requirement includes the Continental United States (CONUS) and Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS).
- T-Rex Solutions and CIO-SP3: T-Rex Solutions, as a CIO-SP3 Small Business contract holder (in the Small Business Category), has gone through a comprehensive review process prior to award, which includes dimensions such as technical capabilities, past performance, price and cost. This enables Contracting Officers (COs) to use simplified evaluations at the task order level, resulting in significant savings in time, money and resources. T-Rex ceiling rates on the contract are negotiated at the CIO-SP3 SB Master Contract level to be the best available, assuring the ordering agency of the most cost-competitive rates. T-Rex is a leading IT professional services firm, with technical expertise in Cloud Adoption, Cybersecurity, Data Engineering, Systems Integration, and Mission Critical Services. Based on our expertise, T-Rex is qualified in all 10 Task Areas.Task Area 1 – IT Services for Biomedical Research, Health Sciences, and Healthcare
Task Area 2 – Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
Task Area 3 – Imaging
Task Area 4 – Outsourcing
Task Area 5 – IT Operations and Maintenance
Task Area 6 – Integration Services
Task Area 7 – Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance
Task Area 8 – Digital Government
Task Area 9 – Enterprise Resource Planning
Task Area 10 – Software Development - How to Use CIO-SP3: CIO-SP3 contract holders went through a rigorous source selection process prior to award, which includes dimensions such as technical capabilities, past performance, price and cost. This enables COs to use simplified evaluations at the task order level, resulting in significant savings in time, money and resources.
- Ceiling rates were negotiated at the Master Contract level to be the best available. When your agency places a task order, you are already starting with the most cost competitive rates, and competition will drive them even lower.
- NITAAC’s online system (e-GOS) streamlines the acquisition process even further with automatic distribution, built-in FAR guidance, and more. NITAAC offers the following program benefits to all customers:
- Easy-to-use, secure web-based e-GOS ordering system for automated task order competition, management, awardee selection and notification
- No special “Delegation of Procurement Authority” is required by NITAAC
- Customer Support Center provides one-hour response to any contractual, technical or procedural question
- One-day turnaround on free, comprehensive SOW/SOO assessment for every task order assures quality responses
- Free training on GWACs, FAR 16, NITAAC contracts, and NITAAC online ordering systems; certification for 2 CLPs awarded
NIH is required to collect an NIH Contract Access Fee (NCAF) from its customers to reimburse the cost of operating and administering the CIO-SP3 contract. Effective January 5, 2016 the fee is fixed at .55% (i.e., 0.0055) for any new task orders released under the contract and applied to the total award value for contractor performance. Total award value is all-inclusive: labor, fees (including award fees and incentive pools), and ODCs (including travel). The formula is: Total NCAF = Total Award Value * NCAF Percentage. The NITAAC Program Office has instituted a cap of $150,000 for any task order base or optional period (not to exceed 12 months) with funding in excess of $27 million under the CIO-SP3 Small Business and 8(a) contracts.
NITAAC’s online ordering system, e-GOS, streamlines the ordering process in a few easy steps:
- Customer submits request for proposal (RFP)
- NITAAC reviews scope and releases to eligible contract holders
- Optional question-and-answer period follows
- Contract holders submit proposal
- Customer evaluates and selects awardee
- Contracting Official prepares award in agencies’ contract writing system (e.g., PRISM), using the CIO-SP3 contract number
- Contracting Official loads award documents in e-GOS and submits to winning bidder
- Additional Information:
Contract Number: 75N98120D00097
Legal Business Name: T-Rex Solutions, LLC
DUNS: 062808535
Sponsor: National Institute of Health (NIH)
Period of Performance: 05/11/2020 to 04/29/2025
Ceiling: $20 Billion
Task Order Types: CPFF, CPAF, CPIF, FFP, T&M
Prompt Payment Terms: None