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The 2020 Online Census is Widely Popular with Respondents

A new survey commissioned by T-Rex Solutions, LLC, found that the online response option of the 2020 Census was the most popular way for respondents to be counted. Of those who filled out the 2020 Census online, an overwhelming 94 percent found it was easy to complete. No respondents reported any significant difficulty using the online census. The survey of likely voters highlights the remarkable success of the nation’s first-ever online collection of census data.

Behind The Scenes: The Census Bureau’s Success Story

The U.S. Census Bureau was one of the first to modernize through Cloud technologies to host and run mission critical applications. Listen to our Chief Technology and Innovation officer Jason Keplinger discuss our technical integration journey of the 2020 Census.

Jared Bell T-Rex Solutions & Michael Thieme US Census Bureau | AWS Public Sector Partner Awards 2020

T-Rex’s Jared Bell and Michael Thieme, Assistant Director for Decennial Census Programs, discuss how they leveraged AWS tools to modernize the 2020 Census.

Beyond the Census: How T-Rex Solutions Views That Work as a Platform

Greenbelt, Maryland-based T-Rex’s largest program is with the Census Bureau through a contract awarded five years ago for broad systems engineering and integration work, which continues a relationship between company and agency that started in 1999. Moore pointed to how the Constitution mandates the Census be done — missing out on or not doing it on schedule is simply not an option.